Thursday, September 28, 2017

I live a quiet life,
No baggage, no hassles,
Just work, sleep, repeat.
Some days I feel pretty transparent
And not in the name of honesty.
I live, work and breathe, the same as everybody else,
Anything I say or feel goes pretty unnoticed or looked right over like the hood of a car.
Why voice it?
I see no need,
To speak and grasp at the straws of communication as though it's my life's only need.
My words, thoughts and feelings remain solely my own-
No one to bluntly share or unburden my soul to-
Even just for the briefest of moments- my lips remain still. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

She's quiet.
She's discrete.
Afraid to get too close,
For everything falls to pieces.
The words 'I love you' were uttered time and time again,
Yet, they fail to exude meaning.
You love to love, love
Without ever knowing what love really is.
The emptiness of your words were so vast that they had me searching for their meaning,
It was never found,
Just a pool of emptiness at my feet.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A work in progress.

A spiraling black hole is all I see,
A spiraling black hole is what consumes me.
All sound and feeling swarm me at once
Suffocating every breath of air I have within me.
Choking me with a claw of an evil dignity.

This is something I've been playing around with.