Saturday, December 29, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 12/30/12

Hey! I never know if I should say hey or welcome. But hey and welcome back to my Six Sentence Sunday posts. I feel like I'm hosting a brief show with announcements. lol Always do, I should just get used to it!

So, I know I'm one of the most indecisive people on the planet; I just don't know what I want to major in and it's killing me because I just want to finish with school and graduate so I can work and be on my own already. That's everyone in my age group though. The problem is that I have so many different interests, I should find out if there's a subject that will, somehow, combine them all.

Christmas was fun this year, we actually had wine; it's a big deal in my family. That's raunchy for them; then we somehow got into a conversation about vibrators. (Something to do with work) Definitely an interesting Christmas. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and has great New Years Plans as well!

Last week I posted an extended excerpt as a little holiday gift for everyone. I hope you're all enjoying the story. As usual I will post the links to catch up if you need to at the bottom. So, let's find out what Marvin does now after talking to his daughter....

He closed the door and looked down the hall. What could she be seeing? He shook his head and went to the kitchen. He closed all the cabinet doors. Before turning out the light he did one last sweep of the room; quickly scanning for anything out of the ordinary. He then went into the bedroom and turned on the light; he walked straight to the closet and heard the mumbling complaints from his sleeping wife. “Seriously? It’s like four-thirty in the morning, babe.” She put a pillow over her head. Normally, he would apologize quickly because he would do this without realizing, but tonight nothing followed her remark. He went into the closet and pulled out the small safety deposit box.

What's in the safety deposit box? Is this something he should be gravely concerned about or is he letting his mind get the best of him? Next sunday, we'll find out more! 

Here are the first six posts to this book in chronological order if you want to catch up:

For more Six Sentence Sunday Posts copy and paste the link:  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

12/23/12 Six Sentence Sunday

           Happy Holidays!! 

 Hello, I am posting early (12/22) this week as tomorrow is my Aunts birthday; she's a christmas baby. I hope everyone has done most of their shopping. I only just finished mine today. I was lucky this year, my mother helped me with gifts as I have been in a bind lately to the point where I had to give up being a vegetarian. It's an expensive lifestyle and requires a lot of care and attention. I'll get back to it one day.

Also, I sort of decided, more playing with thoughts but it's been unofficially decided, I'm going to go to school to be a Veterinarian. It's always been a passion just like my writing, which I WILL continue. Definitely not giving this up for anything in the world. I love it too much  and it's way too much fun..

This week, because it's the holiday season, I'm going to make the excerpt a little bit longer for you guys to read along with. I hope everyone has been enjoying the story thus far.

I'm so torn on how long to make the post. I would post paragraphs for you all. It's starting to get chilling the story!!

A man who looks like a ginger bread cookie? It was probably a movie she watched or a dream she had had. “Ginger bread man huh? Do you and he talk often, honey?” He tickled her a little bit and she giggled.
“No, only nights when he wants to.” She said playing with Floppy’s ear. Something in her face looked timid. He searched her face trying to read her expression but he couldn’t. She was quite inexpressive for a young child.  This also gravely concerned him; she had little to no expressions. She smiled only when provoked to, she didn’t show any kind of emotions usually. She had a dark spirit about her. Even though she was only six, she liked to spend her days playing with Floppy, or with dolls. Never with any of the other children who are in her age group. She did however like her little sister. She’s only two but she is enamored with her.

“Are you afraid of him? Does he make you want to run away?” How else was he to phrase this?
            She raised her face from the bunny and shook her head. But, something in her eyes said something other than what the shake was meant to say. He smiled reassuringly, “Okay, well, it’s time to go to sleep. You have school in a few hours. I’ll leave the light on for you, in-case you get scared. Me and mommy, are right in the next room if you need us, okay?” She smiled and nodded, then reached over and hugged him. He kissed her on the forehead and stood up from the edge of the bed. “Daddy?” He heard Amelia call; he turned and her expression was sorrowful. “Yes, pumpkin?”
“I love you, daddy.”
            This sent chills up his spine. He knew it shouldn’t have because it was his daughter. She looked too sad. “I love you too, try to get some sleep. You are safe with us. Goodnight.” He closed the door and looked down the hall.

This is a lengthier excerpt for you all. It's my holiday gift to you all! I hope this is beginning to raise the slightest of suspicions. Feel free to comments and make suggestions. I always reply back! Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season everyone!

Here are the first five posts to this book in chronological order if you want to catch up:

For more Six Sentence Sunday Posts copy and paste the link: 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lonely Wanderings

It's a lost and lonely world.
We walk alone and stand alone;
Unless you're lucky enough to find that missing piece.

12/16/12 Six Sentence Sunday

Good evening, sorry for the lateness in my post. I filled in at work today for someone. Let me tell you, folding shirts for hours isn't too fun. Please if you go to a store at least try to fold it and not crumbled the shirts into a ball. lol Anyway, this weeks posts is a continuation of the same story. This week you find out a little more of what Marvin may think he dealing with. It's intriguing and will get more and more chilling, then it'll warm up for a while before we're back to chilling. lol

I have also been busy with papers for class, as it's the end of the semester. I don't normally post this late into the evening. I hope you are all enjoying the story. For anyone looking to catch up I will post the links for you to copy and paste.

He smiled at her description with a light chuckle. The image of a ginger bread cookie quickly made an appearance in his mind. He tried picturing this in his head; he knew this wasn’t an imaginary friend because she did not have a name or a proper description. Isn’t that the key with imaginary friends; you make up what you want in a friend? But this, this is completely new territory. Maybe it’s because the world has become quite paranormal but he started to panic in his mind and didn’t know what to do or how to respond.

What do you guys think it is? A ghost? A demon? Her mind playing tricks on her? Or simply and imaginary friend, she is six? Feel free to leave comments, or suggestions - I always reply back. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and the rest of the week!

Here are the first four posts to this book in chronological order if you want to catch up:

For more Six Sentence Sunday Posts copy and paste the link:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Poem For A Crying Soul

Mend the broken heart.
Sew it together.
Glue it if you have to.
Looking at you now, I just know you need to be mended.
How can you mend what's broken?
Your love changed her,
Life changed her,
Love and life tore her apart.
It has been unfair.
Life is intolerant of the weak.
If life makes you weak; is it trying to rid you of it?
She wants peace-
She wants freedom-
She wants joy-
She is stuck in the bottom of the trench,
Trying to dig herself out.

Looking At The Sky

I look at the moon in sky,
I watch as the faded clouds pass by in the darkness,
I watch as they cover the moon-
Dimming it's light.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

12/9/12 Six Sentence Sunday!

Heyyy! Welcome back to my page! =)

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying all the holiday shopping. Even though, I will admit I keep asking if we can just cancel Christmas this year; this year is just flying by, I'm not ready for the holidays yet. lol I mean come on, Thanksgiving came right after Sandy and we forced ourselves through that and now Christmas.. It's okay because it's the best time of year, right?I have about four more gifts to buy maybe five. I don't know how I'm doing this but I'll figure it out lol.

Here you'll find a continuation to the story. Do you find out who Amelia is looking for? Why is she searching so late into the night? Read the excerpt and find out!

Also, I posted the links to where I started with this story for anyone looking to catch up.

Amelia climbed into bed and stared at him with her big blue eyes. “Daddy, I heard a noise in the kitchen. I think he was hungry, but I couldn’t find him.” He turned around intrigued by her response and took a look at her sweet little face. It was her serious face, his eyebrows furrowed and he sat on the edge of her bed. “Who was in the kitchen?” He asked concerned.
“The man, I don’t know his name. He won’t tell me. No one else can see him. “

“Well, what does this man look like?” He asked trying to sound unconcerned.

“Like a shadow. I mean, he doesn’t look like you, or me, he’s kind of blacked out like how a ginger bread cookie man looks.”

 Thanks for reading! I hope you're enjoying the story as it unfolds! Come back next Sunday and learn even more about the "man" Amelia is looking for. What will happen next? Well, you sort of know if you read my older posts before I decided to post from the beginning. How does she get into the predicament she ends up in, she's only six? Leave comments, suggestions, ask questions, say hi or whatever's on your mind. Have a Happy Sunday, thanks for stopping by!

Here are the first three posts to this book in chronological order if you want to catch up:

For more Six Sentence Sunday Posts copy and paste the link:

Friday, December 7, 2012


You were important to me;
Now you're gone.
I can't look at you-
Because it hurts.

This is how everyone feels at least once in their life.. I have felt this way quite a few times, I will admit, willingly. I wrote it on twitter first and someone loved it, so I decided to add it to the posts. =) 

Happy Together

Here with clear blues skies
And clear blue waters,
I dream up a place
Where we're happy together.
There are no lies or troubles.
Just a life full of every possibility.
And when I hear your voice,
I can't help but smile.
Life is very simple-
But when I wake,
I face the reality
That life ain't simple,
Life ain't fair,
Life will destroy you,
If you let it...
Cause when I hear your voice,
I can't help but smile.
Everyday I'm here missing you
More and more.
Having you here would be the greatest gift in the world,
Cause I have this feeling that you're the one for me.
The one who makes me smile,
But you're not here.
So, I'm here with
The clear blue skies
And the clear blue waters.
I dreamed up a place
where we're happy together.

This is a song/poem.. It has no significant meaning; just something I conjured up one night. It's not written for a person, more for a character in a book (that's not written or being wrote, yet). Most of the posts are for a character in a book. Enjoy! =)

You Made Me...

You made me feel,
You made yearn,
You made me forget.

Uniting Thoughts To Nightmares

Envisions of pearly white gates,
Cloudy terrain,
Pure untouched world at peace and happiness.
You twirl in the tall wheat grass,
And stop by the meadow to smell the daisies.
Suddenly, you jolt into a world
Bathed in fire and brimstone,
Placated in hate, fear, and misery,
To live in a nightmare,
Unable to wake,
Unable to return home,
Forever afraid.

Thief In The Night

I say I'm over you.
My heart calls out for you.
My brain tries not thinking of you.
I force myself to mingle among the other people.
Scarred and wounded, heart in hand for all the world to see-
But no one does- see,
The pain- the wounds, or the scars left behind.
They only hear the spoken words that seem to say: I love you...
No matter the true intent of the words
You will always be the one who stole my heart-
Like a thief in the night.


I see you in my mind,
The choice is clear.
Another choice appears-
This choice is just as fair;
Now, it's sweet temptation
Yearning curiosity.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Bellowing Soul

And then she screams into the night sky.

This is short but I think it's quite poetic. I wrote it out a few years ago and figured I'd insert it into a book one day.. But I felt like posting it. Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday!

Hello, welcome back to another Six Sentence Sunday! Who's excited? 

Every time I do a post for Six Sentence Sunday I feel as though I am hosting an event. lol I'm not sure why? Welcome back. I hope everyone is enjoying the story- I will attempt to post the links to where I started so if anyone is new and wants to catch up, they can by clicking the link.

As you know I am writing a book; it's what I've been posting. But I also just started a new one that I solely focus on that one. I have a habit of focusing on many things at one time which produces a thought frenzy in my brain. People say that that's good since I need to think in order to write, however, I need to think creatively and not frantically lol. 

This novel that I am posting now is intended to be a horror fiction novel. The new one is more science fiction. I get overly excited about new ideas! There's nothing I'd rather do. I put it in terms like this- as a writer: I get to be the creator and destroyer. I get to make all the rules and break them. I get to play with all the laws of physics and break all the norms of reality. It's pure creation and imagination. I am an artist. That's how I view writing a novel. I find it to be quite relaxing and entertaining. I just hope everyone enjoys what I write, which if you do- that's an added bonus to this! 

Here is another continuation to my novel- please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or just a hey if you want to say hey, or if you have any questions- feel free to ask. Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!

            After maybe fifteen minutes of her searching someone walked into the kitchen. She turned around and saw her father leaning on the door panel with his arms crossed. “Amelia, it is three-forty five in the morning. What are you doing?” He was tired and a bit surprised to see his six year old daughter rummaging through kitchen cabinets so late into the night. She just looked at her father guiltily and brushed her hair out of her face; revealing her bright blue eyes filled with apathy. “Okay, let’s get you back into bed.” He held out his hand and she quickly grabbed it. He walked her down the hall and made a right into her room

Come back next week to find out what happens next! It gets better and should have you wanting to know more! Thank you for stopping by and reading! Have a blessed day! =)  
Posts to this novel so far in chronological order:

For more Six Sentence Sunday posts, copy and paste this link:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How We Feel In This World

There are some days I just want to start everything all over.
There are days I can't bare to be around people.
There are days I want to be surrounded by people.
There are days where I am just another asshole in this world trying to figure out the 'why's' in life.
There are days I let the emotions run my life.
There are days where I feel everything I do (speech, actions, thoughts) is meaningless.
There are days where everything is cloudy and messy.
There are days where everything is bright and shiny.
There are days were I am hard and cold.
There are even more days where I'm caring, patient and understanding.
There are days where I want to forget everything.
There are days where I want to remember everything.
There may be days where I am lost, scared, depressed, or saddened.
But, there are LOTS of days where I am happy.

This is not a poem or an excerpt. This is a random sputtering of my brain. This is a compilation, if you will, of how I've felt many times in my life.  I'm sure some of you have as well, at one point or another. We are not meant to know all of the 'why's'. I believe we are meant to struggle with obstacles because we are meant to learn something. If we do not learn, we are met with a similar, yet very different task. This cycle continues until the lesson is learned. I believe life is a series of lessons, to test our strength, or will, and most of all our morals. That's why it is so important to live each day to the fullest and learn to leave all the nonsense behind. (Something I'm trying to learn myself, I'll admit it.)

That's all we have- to live each day. Everyone has felt this way at one time or another. I refuse to believe I am the only one. But, I felt like voicing some feelings. We all feel lost and lonely sometimes. We all say things we shouldn't say and regret it. Today is one of those days. Today is one of those days, where I feel like taking everything back and feel like sharing.

11/25/12 SIx Sentence Sunday

Welcome to another Six Sentence Sunday!!

I know I'm late with posting. I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. If anyone went black friday shopping- I hope you weren't trampled or trampling.. lol.. Mine was good; my mom made everyone wait for apple pie, which is great except when she took it out of the oven she drop it all over the floor.. It was really funny only because they all waited to cook it and everyone was sitting there waiting for apple pie and the other pies and she dropped it. This year I did go out for black friday at midnight. I was so excited and it was exhilarating- no I did not purchase a single thing, but it was still fun. Then I worked later on for black friday.

This week's post will be a continuation to the horror book. I started you off with the first paragraph; opening, now I'll continue on for you to read. Who's excited!? I am! Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.

The noise happened again, it sounded like rattling in the kitchen. Little Amelia not knowing any better slowly walked towards the kitchen. She stepped in and turned on the light. She saw nothing. There was nothing in the kitchen. She ran through the kitchen with Floppy wrapped in her left arm as she searched the cabinets. She was certain she most definitely heard a noise.

Come back for more next week! Things are only just getting started.. Have a great week everyone !

For more six sentence sunday posts, copy and paste this link:

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday!!

Welcome back to another Six Sentence Sunday!!

This week I have a special idea, which was hard for me to come to terms with. Let me explain: For some reason, I have always had a hard time sharing my writing- for fear someone will steal it or take an idea derived from my idea and sell it. I don't know why, but always have; it's slightly nuts. Anyway, I'm getting over that. I figured the only way for people to read my works is to get myself out there which is what I'm currently trying to do. Anyway, this idea is to take you guys to the beginning of the novel I have been sharing excerpts from; the one with Chasidy and Derek, it's still untitled.

Okay, so to further expand on this idea- I want basically invite you all to read this work of fiction, horror, as I write it, or up to what I can share. Bare in mind, there will be mistakes in the excerpts- it is unedited; merely written to just get the words out, for now and they will most likely be really silly mistakes too. I will edit it later on when it's completed. I intend to, hopefully, have this self published by the end of the summer, which I will surely update you all on. Exciting!

Enjoy my posts and feel free comment, make suggestions, or just say hey! Have a Happy Sunday!

  Walking down the hall little Amelia was searching. It was way passed her bedtime and she knew she wasn’t allowed to be snooping around; especially, this late into the night. She was careful to tiptoe passed her parents’ room adjacent to hers. She brushed her long blonde hair out of her face. A noise. She froze in the hall, standing ever so still. Not breathing, waiting to hear the noise again she squeezed the old brown bunny in her arms tight. Its long ears touching her arms. His name was Floppy, because of his long floppy ears; at least that was her reasoning.

This is only the beginning, it's not much but things will change pretty soon, quickly in my opinion.. Come next week to see how the story will progress; and if you'd like, I can post a little more than six sentences, just let me know. =)

For more Six Sentence posts, copy and paste this link:

Friday, November 16, 2012


I wrote something  five am and in my opinion, for those who like to contextualize and break down creative pieces; I think it can be read and taken on many different levels if you look at it correctly. It can be taken quite literally or it can be seen on a personal level to each individual. It's something I played with right before I went to sleep after I had a conversation with someone about something I was considering. I rather like it. Hope you enjoy! =)

Stuck inside the rabbit hole you go.
Round and round by the entry,
Lost and scared.
To leave and be hunted,
To stay in and whither away.
Exposure is key.
Trestle through the grassy knolls,
Free and alive-
Bobbing and weaving
To avoid being captured and fair game to those
Who play with no care.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Excerpt from the Horror Novel

I decided to post this, the six sentence sunday's posts with Chasidy and Derek; their lovey dovey-ness won't last, being it's a horror novel. So, spoiler alert I guess. This excerpt is from the beginning of the novel or preface, if you will. Look next sunday and I'll post the part where they found her with her arm cut. I will re-iterate myself again, I am currently writing this. It needs to be finished, then edited. It's a long way from done. I'm sure by the time it's all said and done things will be tweaked and different from what I've posted.. So you're basically along for the ride as i write.. I enjoy writing and I hope you are all enjoying my posts of my writing.. This novel is currently untitled- so for now, it's the horror novel. Enjoy! Feel free to comment, make suggestions, ask questions. I don't mind. =)

“Amelia, listen to mommy. Look at me.” She was stern in her speech, Amelia looked up at her and her daughter’s eyes were vacant. It was as if they weren’t her eyes. They weren’t  brilliantly blue anymore, they were dark. They were evil. Her little girl was being claimed by the shadow and it was happening before her eyes. “He is going to ask you to hurt yourself again. He’s going to make it sound like a good idea. Like flying off of a roof or swimming with dolphins. But, listen to mommy. We are humans, people, we cannot fly, and those dolphins are sharks or scary waves. They will kill you. Anything he tries to ask you to do, say ‘NO’. Okay, for mommy and daddy say no. And for your baby sister.” Amelia looked at her and cocked her head, her expression was complex; like she understood but something was confusing her.
“Mommy, I already said yes.” Her eyes trailed to her arm. The doctor went to leave the room to call the psych specialist back but the door slammed shut. Marvin stood up from the bed to take in what just happened. The door slammed but the doctor never left. Ashlee held eye contact with Amelia. She let out a scream and her face contorted like the little girl from years ago. The lights went out and everyone was screaming.

“Ashlee!” Marvin yelled.
“Marv, over here!” Ashlee yelled back. “Are you okay?”
“I’m sitting in something warm. Can you see anything?” He asked.
“No, but I smell- I smell. Metal. Is that right?” She asked. She sat still sniffing the smell more closely. The smell finally registered with Ashlee and she went still. She sat there stiff for a moment then it clicked. Blood. It was blood. “Marvin! It’s blood! Amelia! Amelia! Marv, what’s going on?” There was another horrific, monstrous scream and the lights flickered on and the scene before them was horrendous.
            Dr. Feeroes throat was ripped out and Amelia had blood all around her mouth.  She was standing over him as he lay limp under her; bleeding out. That was no longer their little girl. She screamed again and louder this time making the shadowed features of her eyes and mouth darker and more pronounced. Marvin and Ashlee embraced each other in one another’s arms. As she screamed; she pulled Marvin’s gun out her mouth. It just appeared out of no where. Marvin saw the gun and thought back to the morning hours when he saw his daughter. Was the gun there on the bed? He couldn’t remember. When he ran back to retrieve the keys, he grazed the bed. No, the gun was gone. His eyes filled with anguish and horror. He looked at his daughter. “Amelia, we love you.” She cocked her head to the right as if taking in what he was saying. Then she let out a loud growl. The lights went out again; then two shots were fired.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday!!

Welcome back, it's once again another Sunday!! Last week I was unable to sign up or post- due to Sandy... Everything is alright, we were very lucky, considering. 

This excerpt is a continuation of the novel I am currently working on. Again, I will keep saying it, it's still being written and is far from finished- or edited.. Feel free to leave comments and make suggestions. They're more than welcomed, and I'll do my best to reply and comment on others' six sentence posts. If anyone needs to catch up on excerpts, they should be posted under my October tab. I hope you all are enjoying the posts. I may change things up next week and post from a short novella I am also writing; or I may revert back to the beginning of this novel (from the current post) to more chilling scenes. =) Enjoy!

Derek laid there with Chasidy nuzzled up beside him. He smiled down at her; his heart swelled and couldn’t help but be anything other than elatedly happy. He glanced over at the clock. His eyes popped open a bit surprised to see how quickly time has really passed. Time has no meaning with Chasidy. He slid out of bed and slid into his pants. He walked out of his bedroom and walked into the kitchen.

 For more great six sentence posts; just copy and paste this link -

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Claustrophobic Life

Haven't you ever wanted to spend your days in bed,
And spend your nights crying?
Just for any sort of relief from the prison your soul is trapped in.
So sheltered and oppressed,
Where it cannot find a means of an escape.
Haven't you ever wanted to find that one moment of tranquil peace?
Where everything is as beautiful as a sunset,
Instead of feeling as though the walls are closing in on you;
So fast that you can barely think.
Haven't you ever wanted to just pause- everything,
Step out of your life,
And walk into a new life?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Finely Sharped Claw

Every word was so deliciously true.
Thoughts synonymous with speech.
It rips through the fabric like a finely sharped claw.
Everything begins to unravel,
Faster and faster.
You can't stop it.
Now, you're standing there,
Naked and alone.
Bare and vulnerable,
Before the world-
Heart in hand.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday!!!

Welcome, it's Six Sentence Sunday!! This weeks excerpt is a continuation of the novel I'm writing. If you missed any, they're all here posted on my page. Again, these all started mid chapter two, but I think you'll enjoy them. I have to take a moment to apologize, I posted late last Sunday. I completely forgot it was a Sunday. I'll try to not make that happen again. Too much going on. Anyway, enjoy the excerpt. Comments are always welcomed and I will certainly make an effort to comment on others six sentence posts =)

 Chasidy let her hands explore over his back. At the end of the seam of his shirt she grasped it and pulled it over his head. He smiled down at her and pulled her shirt over her head. He kissed above each one of her breasts. Everything was happening so quickly. Neither of them cared, they wanted this. They wanted this closeness. They let themselves unfold into one another for a night of burning passion.

For more six sentence sunday posts, copy the link:

Have a great Sunday!!

Within Me

Purple clouds with yellow skies.
Pink waters with high blue trees.
Head full of thoughts,
Actions filled with mistakes.
Worlds apart-
Worlds collide and created.
Thoughts turned to imagination,
Imagination turned to thoughts.
Memories vividly bleed together to form one.
Feelings begin to tear at the seams.
Emotions run high.
Nerves stay strong.
Love turns to hate.
Light turns to darkness.
So, I sit here and try,
Try to collect the pieces and hold them together.
I sit here and create,
Worlds full of
Purple clouds and yellow skies,
With pink waters and high blue trees,
And mask all of the pain
That I see within me.
That I see within me, today.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday!!!

Welcome back for another Six Sentence Sunday!! This weeks excerpt is a continuation from last week's. These excerpts were actually pulled from the middle of chapter two. I hope you enjoy it.. It is a bit longer than Six Sentences, I was going to cut it off at six sentences, but I thought that it would be weird and mean to cut the paragraph. Anyway, I'm continuing to write this so every week I can keep this going with the same story. I hope you enjoy it and keep coming back to read more.

 Stumbling into the door, it was shut. He pressed her against the door, for support. They broke from their ablaze passion for a moment catching their breath. He turned the knob and the door swung open. Still holding her, they gazed into one another's eyes. Chasidy’s breathing slowed as did Derek’s. She let her lips curl into a smile. Now, at the foot of the bed he let her fall backward onto the gray bed spread. He crawled on the bed and was above her. She reached up and planted a firm kiss on his lips, not wanting the space. He lowered himself to her. She could feel his growing excitement against her body.
Keep in mind, at the moment it's being written, it's not done nor has it been edited yet. Please feel free to leave a comment, they're always welcome. =) Have a fabulous day and for more six sentence entries you can go to this link:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Excerpt from 'Bittersweet Moments'

The main #character is Annie Lafuse. She is a seventeen year old girl; however, this #excerpt does not indicate what the #book is about. It's about her journey through a life event; her mother being murdered on her eighteenth birthday.This was included to show what she was like as a young teen and how she's grown mentally over the years. By, doing this, I added a back #story to how some, if not all, depressed teens tend to feel; and how some act on it and how they better from it (like Annie). Sounds like nonsense, but it's not.. #Enjoy her self analyzed view of her life experience; obviously written by me.. lol =) I'm also currently #editing this #work, and hoping to have it #published.There is also a possible title change in the works. It's under deliberation.

I knew she would never understand what it’s like to be that depressed. Especially at fifteen, it’s such an emotional and dramatic age. I thought much differently then, than I do now. Now when I look back at that day I just see how stupid of a decision that was, and yes, I am ashamed. The first time I did cut myself it was such a rush, but it relieved my pain. All I could think about was how I couldn’t wait to come home and walk through that front door. I would march right up those stairs and head straight for the bathroom. I would lock the door and sit on the floor and cry and cry until I was so upset I ransacked the draws. There it was, small and sharp. I took the razor from the draw and looked at it. I was overwhelmed with tears. I looked at the razor then I looked at the reflection in the mirror. I hated that person staring back. It was at that very moment I realized I was bleeding. I felt all the anxiety and tormented feelings melt away. I craved that rush of adrenaline, that momentarily serene moment. I sat there on the floor with a towel over the cut to stop the bleeding. The inner turmoil I face every day because of my juvenile decision is unbearable. I’ve never told anyone and neither have my parents.
            They found me a month later on the bathroom floor bleeding to death. My dad came home just in time. I’ll never forget that day. It’s the day I grew up. From the moment I collapsed to the moment I woke up in the hospital I knew that I have caused more problems for myself than I had before. I could never actually tell anyone these feelings. I’ll only get those ‘What are you a psycho?’ looks from people. I love my mom; she never gave me a look like that. She only tried to help me. That’s when Dr. McCormey came into my life.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Welcome it's Six Sentence Sunday!!

Welcome to my page for Six Sentence Sunday! This excerpt that I've chosen, I've recently written in my new novel that is still nameless and not nearly finished. Feel free to comment on my page. I'll comment on yours. Enjoy my writing! =) 

Derek pulled her closer to him. Tighter he held her as they began to fill their carnal need for one another. His hands rubbing all over her; down either side of her face to her shoulders, arms, hips taking in the feel of her smooth, smooth skin; her soft, silk-like skin.  When he reached her back side he grasped it firmly and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. She did just that sensing his intentions. As they continued to let the fire between one another to slowly ignite, they stumbled, clumsily to his bedroom.

 Next week I will post the continuation, and keep everyone updated with my progress as I move forward. Bare in mind, I am a student with a butt ton of reading every week for English; forget the other classes, my major is going to make sure I am very well read. Let me know what you guys think as the story progresses. This is an intriguing one. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment and I will comment on your six's as well..

For more Six Sunday Posts go to: ... You'll find many more fantatic writings there in that link.. Enjoy ;)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


The days are long and nights are hard;
Most of them are spent thinking of you.
We may be strangers with a perfect night but
The days are long and nights are hard.
Not knowing where you are or if you’re okay,
Not knowing what this feeling is,
Not knowing why this feeling is scary,
Each moment spent thinking about you.
The days are long, spent thinking and worrying,
Nights- spent trying to silence the thinking and worrying.
The days are long and nights are hard.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday!

HEY!! It's Six Sentence Sunday. I posted to my twitter account, @chrisilly20, I made the blog after I signed up. So, needless to say, this is all new to me. To be brief, my name's Christina; I'm currently a student and all I want to do in life is be a novelist.

The piece I chose this week, is again from my first book that I am currently still editing. Hopefully, this summer it will be on amazon and published. Enjoy the read and feel free to follow me on twitter or on here, my blog. Like I said, I'm still figuring out certain aspects of this. Hope you enjoy!

“Michael are you okay, you’re not talking to me?” Annie finally decided to ask.
      He was unresponsive which meant he was pretty mad. Whenever he was really mad he would clench down on his jaw. His eyebrows would narrow and his fists would clench. Normally he went to the garage to fix the cars, or hit the punching bag, or read his books about law. Something Gabrielle said got to him. He was really angry. He started throwing his books. He had books flying everywhere.

“Michael, what in God’s name are you doing?” Annie said

“What’s the point? I worked so hard for what, how did I not get that scholarship? I don’t have enough saved to pay for Harvard myself. I don’t want their money.” He replied exasperated

Friday, October 5, 2012


My heart is no longer full of joy and happiness.
It no longer beats loud and triumphantly.
Now, it is sad and full of sorrow.
Now, it beats low and is falling to pieces.
With each breath that is drawn,
We ask ourselves:
Why do we feel this way?
But all I think of is- ‘she’.

I'll Keep You Here

Your kiss was soft.
Your touch was sensational.
The presence of you made my mind in-operational.
Your love was sweet.
My heart will always skip a beat.
So here I am,
Standing alone-
Waiting for the pain to drone.
I’ll keep you here,
Close in mind.
Until I find the proper way to say to you
That in every way,
I’m such a fool.

Taunted Thoughts

She saunters through my mind mockingly,
Leaving a giant hole-
A void of nothingness.
She left me here to wander,
Through the void searching,
Searching for her; my other half.
But there’s still nothing….
And my soul weeps.

Come Back

I take out the handcuffs,
You beg for keys.
I take out the blindfold,
You stand before me.
We played this game once,
Just admit you were pleased.
The games we played ended and all you needed was fury
In every way it seemed.
In our sick and twisted world that ended,
We always aimed to please.
Just say you won’t leave me-
And I’ll end all the pleas.


My heart wrenches with pain.
My soul quivers-
All at the mere thought of losing you.
The heavens will cry;
Blood will fall and wash over me-
You are my love,
My life source,
My peace,
Wake me up from this wretched nightmare.